
Webwriting tips by Eric Reiss

by rainwiz. Average Reading Time: less than a minute.

Today I’ve read 20 tips for writing for the web, by Eric Reiss.

Eric is a great consultant and an experienced content strategist.
I appreciated #1 and #20 (first and last, communicative border attraction!).

#4 and #16 are different ways to say the same evergreen thing: inverted pyramid.
#6 and #15 are consequences of fast read (scanning) practice (#5).
#3 and #14 are about vocabulary use.
#2, #9, #10 and #13 are a warning: be brief!

He used the most of the item to say: be coincise.
It’s funny!

One comment on ‘Webwriting tips by Eric Reiss’

  1. Eric Reiss says:

    Thanks for the kind words. Actually, #4 and # 16 are very different. #4 deals with front-loaded paragraphs (your inverted pyramid). But # 16 deals with writing good subheads, which are not necessarily front-loaded in the same way.

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